Company Profile
Straight - like the microwave signal emitted from your transmit antenna. Massachusetts Microwave Corporation delivers straight answers to your questions. Serving the telecom and broadcast industries for over 29 years, Massachusetts Microwave Corporation is a leading supporter of Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia (earlier models), Western Multiplex/Glenayre/Proxim and NEC 3000s point-to-point microwave radios.
Our dedication to high quality, pre-owned, point-to-point microwave radios, spare parts, repairs and technical support is inimitable.
Microwave Radio Sales, Rentals & Technical Services
- Sales of radio parts and complete radio links
- Rentals of digital radio parts and complete radio links
- Rentals of HD/SD video links (Licensed and unlicensed)
- Repair, retune and testing of radio parts
- Repair, retune and testing of complete radio links
- Field services (New England states only)
- Purchasing of certain surplus microwave radio equipment
Microwave Radio Accessories
- Waveguide Dehydrators
- Flexible Waveguide
- Waveguide to Coax Adapters
- Waveguide and Coaxial Transitions
- Rigid Waveguide: Straights, Bends and Twists
- Attenuators and Low Loss Coax Cables
- DS1/DS3/OC3 Test equipment
- Spectrum Analyzers and Power Meters Click for accessories details